Stick a Fork in It

The Ship Looking for God is done.

Three full revisions. I could probably do at least one more, or two more, or thirty more but, you know, stop. You can revise until death, seeking the perfect. It’s not perfect. But it’s ready.

I found myself doing at least three reads of each chapter during each revision (hmm, three seems the operative number). So, let’s see, 37 chapters, times 3, then times 3 again, carry the two…333 times I read the thing. Wait, 999 times, ’cause it’s three times for each revision, and there were three full revisions. Right?

This is why I’m not an engineer.

At any rate, the three reads of each chapter were necessary. During the first one, I was so thrilled with myself that I just went “Wow, this is great!” and then, you know, came to my senses so through it again and, Holy Hannah, this thing needs some serious work! I sometimes revised individual sentences up to twenty times before they were right (yes, I’m obsessive. Or anal. Pick your word.) Then another run-through to make sure it all held together and, Holy Hannah, did I just make a massive structural error!  For example, I inadvertently added an extra deck to the ship. That took some major scrambling to fix.

All of this took a while. But, no wine before its time. I owe you that.

So, now, a cover, some formatting, then a Goodreads giveaway and maybe some things on Amazon.

And a release party at CapitalCon.

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