Category Archives: Travels

Where It All Began

I’ve told the story, well past the point of boredom, as to how I became a reader. Not how I learned to read, that was from Marvel comics, but an actual reader. In 1962, I was a second grader in … Continue reading

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The Rufe’s Basement

I went to my 50th high school reunion just a bit ago. I wasn’t going to attend because my closest friends wouldn’t be there. Tom died decades ago; Don decades after that, and I found out the day before the … Continue reading

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I am Thankful For…

1. Being Alive. Especially given the events of the summer. 2. Believing in God. Because it makes the universe wondrous and unlimited. I feel bad for people who don’t believe in God. Your universe is so small. 3. Some people … Continue reading

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He Ain’t Heavy, He’s my Husband

This is Weinsberg, Germany, a town about ten miles from Heilbronn: Nice, huh? It’s one of those towns we visit every time we show up because it’s scenic and crazy. Scenic is obvious: It’s on a hilltop surrounded by vineyards … Continue reading

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Bath Bath

Since my summer is pretty much shot down, what with three months of recovery to go through, thought I’d load up some photos from the trip to Germany earlier in the year. This is Baden Baden which got its start … Continue reading

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Not that Ludwig

I have a bunch of photos from the trip to Germany back in December, like these from Ludwigsburg Palace, which is about 30 miles…or kilometers or whatever the hell it is…south…or east or whatever the hell it is…of Heilbronn. Nice … Continue reading

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Los Chermans

I did not know I had a German family until a few years ago…well, as a present and ongoing fact, I mean. I was adopted as a baby and raised ‘Murican, and supposed there were family members back in my … Continue reading

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My German family lives mostly in Heilbronn, which is an industrial city about 40 miles from Stuttgart. Some of the family lives in Schwaigern (in which there are no restaurants), but they’re outliers. Heilbronn’s the family seat. Heilbronn’s a somewhat … Continue reading

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Back in the US…

…of A, after 17 days in Germany, about 2 days in Denmark, and around 30 feet away from Switzerland. Gracie was glad to see us. Where the hell have you been? Everywhere, man. Like Heilbronn: Ludwigsburg: and Nuremburg: among others. … Continue reading

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Every Bruce Springsteen Song Ever Sung

I went to New Jersey on Saturday because Don died last Sunday. Don’s the guy on the left. The greatest guitar player America ever produced is on the right. All dressed up because we three were going to a wedding. 1973. Hair … Continue reading

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